Wednesday, January 20, 2010

From the Conrad R. Lam Archives

Cup holder entry for the Michigan Hospital Association Achievements Contest

Henry Ford Hospital has a long tradition of innovation which included the design and fabrication of medical instruments. The early facilities department included a machine shop that built suggested designs by the hospital staff. Among the most notable patented pieces included the Barron Food pump, designed by Dr. James Barron, and the liquid oxygen tent by Dr. Frank Hartman. Often the design was based on the need for the device to assist in patient care, as in Dr. Conrad Lam's noted “six finger glove”. The facilities staff created a glove fitted with a small knife to assist in surgical procedures.

The design for a medical cup holder was part of the Michigan Hospital Association Hospital Achievements Contest in 1959. The event was co-sponsored by Michigan Blue Cross and eight Henry Ford Hospital employees won cash awards or honorable mentions for their designs. The top winner was Cass Pawczuk, who won $500.00 for his “traveling purchase request” form. The form was described as a means to record quantity, price and vendor information on items to be purchased by the purchasing department. Other winners included entries for the development of a metal oxygen rack for patient transport and a clavicle strap for use in the orthopedic department. The design goal was to improve the quality of the Henry Ford Hospital patient experience. The awards were presented at the 40th annual convention of the Michigan Hospital Association at the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel in Detroit.

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