Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Spotlight on the Sladen Library Web Site: Evidence-Based Practice Toolkit

Since the Sladen Library web site is so large (close to 250 web pages), you may not be familiar with all its web pages. Therefore, periodically we will spotlight a specific web page to better familiarize you with the resources we have to offer.

The Sladen Evidence Based Practice Toolkit is located at http://www.henryfordconnect.com/sladen.cfm?id=253. The library staff has collected together virtually all of our evidence-based resources in one web page. If you frequently use these resources, it would be a good idea for you to bookmark this page for future reference.

One of the key evidence based resources is the ‘5S’ Pyramid of Evidence Resources, which takes all of the Sladen resources and organizes them into the six components of a pyramid:

Systems – Computerized Decision Support

Summaries – Critically-Appraised Topics and Evidence-Based Guidelines, which include UpToDate, First CONSULT, and the National Guideline Clearinghouse.

Synopses – Critically-Appraised Journal Articles, such as ACP Journal Club and the Evidence Updates

Syntheses – Systematic Reviews, such as the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)

Studies – RCTs, Cohort Studies, Case-Control Studies, and Case Reports, utilizing resources such as PubMed, Ovid/Medline and CINAHL

Expert Opinion – Review Articles and Textbooks, including eMedicine and Harrison’s Online

There are instructions on how to use the twelve evidence-based medicine search filters in Ovid/Medline or PubMed, along with fifteen clinical queries in the CINAHL database for evidence-based nursing information.

The Sladen Library has eight evidence-based practice databases, including: ACP Journal Club, ACP PIER and the five Cochrane Databases. We have access to more than 200 books on evidence-based practice in the Sladen Library Catalog, and six of the key titles in the field are detailed on this web page.

We have 16 evidence-based practice journals including: Evidence-Based Medicine, Evidence-Based Nursing, and several other subject-based evidence journals. There are several evidence-based article series included on this web page: the JAMA Rational Clinical Examination Article Series, the Lancet EBM series, BMJ How To Read A Paper, JAMA User’s Guides to the Medical Literature, and Canadian Journal of Surgery Users’ Guide to the Surgical Literature.

We have also included more than 50 Internet Resource links on evidence-based practice, including: Bandolier, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, ACP Guidelines, clinical practice guidelines from various organizations, Cochrane, McMaster, SumSearch, and PICOmaker.

The Sladen Evidence Based Practice Toolkit is an ideal web page to help you locate an evidence-based resource. All of these resources are also available from home or any other remote location. Please visit the Remote Access web page for further information.

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