Thursday, December 24, 2009

PubMed and Ovid Search Alerts Going to HFHS Spam

Please be aware email search alerts from PubMed or Ovid Online may be going to your spam inbox. Please check the HFHS eMail Spam Summary for alerts with or in the address.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Holiday Hours

The Sladen Library holiday hours are as follows:

Thursday, Dec. 24:

Friday, Dec. 25:

Monday, Dec.28 - Thursday, Dec. 31:

Friday, Jan.1:

Monday, Jan. 4:
(Resume regular hours)

You can access the library's online resources 24/7 from Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Multimedia Resources Available from the Cochrane Library

As a library user you may be aware that Sladen Library provides access to the Cochrane Library evidence-based reviews, but did you also know the Cochrane Collaboration provides podcasts discussing select reviews?  You can download podcasts and browse the list of topics covered at the website

Cochrane has also just launched the Cochrane Journal Club.  Cochrane Journal Club takes a key article and expands it with background information, podcasts, powerpoint slides of key figures and tables, and discussion questions. This resource is intended to help clinicians prepare an article for presentation at journal clubs, etc.  Visit the Cochrane Journal Club at  

If you have any questions about searching Cochrane, please contact the library.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Search Alert Service

One of the services that the Sladen Library offers is setting up a search alert. An alert is a saved search that notifies you of new citations on your topic of interest each time the database the search is saved in is updated. Alerts can be established in PubMed, Ovid Medline, PsycInfo, and CINAHL. An alert can be requested online by using the Literature Request Form or by contacting Gina Hug, MILS, at 313-916-5336 or

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sladen New Materials - November 2009

The November 2009 List of Sladen New Materials is available at:

There are 22 books on this list which are available electronically. Click on the title to reach the full-text of the book.

We welcome your suggestions. If you have a book, journal or audiovisual you would like to recommend for the Sladen Library collection, please fill out the Submission Form.

If you would like to view previous lists of New Materials, go to

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Learn the Fundamentals of Toxicology with ToxLearn

ToxLearn is a new multi-module learning tool designed as a joint collaboration between the U.S. National Library of Medicine's Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program and the U.S. Society of Toxicology.  This online tutorial, written at an undergraduate level, is intended to provide a fundamental understanding of the scientific principles behind the subject of toxicology.  The tutorial is made up of three modules, of which Module I: Introduction to Toxicology and Dose Response is currently available.  Modules II and III will be released at a later date.

Try this resource for free at